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"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet - by Thich Nhat Hanh"
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Gratis parkeren, Best bereikbaar met de auto, Best bereikbaar met ov

Verleent hulp bij

Ademhalingsproblemen, Afvallen, Afvallen (hulp bij), Afvallen / onverklaarbaar gewichtsverlies, Agressie, Allergie, Angst - paniekstoornis, Bekken zit vast, Bindingsangst/verlatingsangst, Burn-out, Chronische pijn, Concentratie problemen, CVS (Chronisch Vermoeidheids Syndroom), Darmklachten/ PDS, Depressie, Disbalans energie, Dissociatieve stoornis, Dwangstoornis, Eetbuien, Eetstoornis, Emotie eten, Gevoelloosheid (lichamelijk), Gedragsprobleem, Hoofdpijn/ migraine, Hormonale problemen, Huiduitslag, Krampen, Liefdesverdriet, Lichamelijk (overig), Mentaal (overig), Misselijkheid, Postnatale depressie, Psychisch (overig), PTSS, Rouwverwerking, Rug/ nek/ schouderklachten, Seksuele vraagstukken, Slaapproblemen, SOLK (onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten), Stress, Trauma, Vermoeidheid, Verwerking kind - jeugd, Verslaving, Vruchtbaarheidsproblemen, Zwangerschapsklachten




Acupuncturist Hilversum

My Story
My journey with acupuncture started a while back in Australia. I myself struggled with some health issues and couldn’t get any positive results with the western medicine approach. So I decided to incorporate a more holistic treatment plan alongside the conventional one. I was then introduced to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Chinese herbal medicine, meditations, massages, and Ayurveda. This is where my passion for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) was born, however I couldn’t change my career at the time and kept working as a Marketing Manager for several more years.


As soon as I got the opportunity, I launched myself into the study of these fantastic medicines and have since then been using them to help people as much as I can.



Traditional Chinese medicine in Amsterdam at Shenzhou University.

Advanced training and internship in acupuncture for gynaecology in the UK.

YNSA – Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture certificate.

Auntie Maile Lomi massage certificate (Lymphatic massage) at Malamalomi Lomi School.

Fukushin Japanese abdominal diagnosis/massage and cupping, Japan.
Japanese meridian massages, Japan.

Shonishin Japanese pediatric acupuncture certificate from the Japanese acupuncture centre in Amsterdam.

Micro-massage cranien, France.

Structural Integration, Mimt Institute Melbourne

Coaching and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) certificate from the Coaching Room in Melbourne – Australia.


My treatment plan will be clear while supporting you all the way through your health journey with the greatest amount of care, respect, kindness and with a non-judgmental approach.


In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and traveling to explore the magic of the world.


Insurance info see:

Mogelijkheden & tarieven

Expertise Omschrijving Tarief
First acupuncture consultation with treatment (60 min) The first initial Acupuncture is more heavy on questioning and getting all the information. It might take anywhere from 40min to 1 hour as I need to get to know you and find out what it is you want to accomplish or what you need help with. €80
Follow up acupuncture treatments (45 min) Follow up appointments are a little quicker as I already have the relevant information from your first intake session. I will still catch up briefly and make sure everything is ok and see how you’ve been going since the intake. €60
Follow up acupuncture treatments (60 min) Follow up appointments are a little quicker as I already have the relevant information from your first intake session. I will still catch up briefly and make sure everything is ok and see how you’ve been going since the intake. €80
Infertility and women's health (75 min) Acupuncture is an effective option for women seeking alternative or complementary therapy to remedy women’s health problems such as: · Irregular, short, or long cycles · Light, heavy or painful periods · Endometriosis, PCOS, and myomas · PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramping, fluid retention, irritability, mood swings, headaches and migraines, breast tenderness, and back pain. Acupuncture has long been used for pregnancy support, fertility, menopause and a wide range of women’s health issues. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a long and rich history of strategies for the strengthening and regulation the reproductive system in both women and men. €100
Cosmetic facial acupuncture - in & out facial(30 min) Facial Acupuncture helps boost the collagen and elastin in the facial tissues as well as the skin. Ultra-fine acupuncture needles are placed through areas of the face that need a boost of collagen and elastin causing “microtrauma”, signalling the body’s healing cells to start a process of collagen and elastin production to repair the area. This may result in softening of lines and firming of the face by adding back density to an area that has had a loss of volume. €60
Cosmetic facial acupuncture - generic facial (75 min) Facial Acupuncture helps boost the collagen and elastin in the facial tissues as well as the skin. Ultra-fine acupuncture needles are placed through areas of the face that need a boost of collagen and elastin causing “microtrauma”, signalling the body’s healing cells to start a process of collagen and elastin production to repair the area. This may result in softening of lines and firming of the face by adding back density to an area that has had a loss of volume. €120
Shonishin: Pediatric acupuncture (30 min) Pediatric Acupuncture technique was developed specifically for infants and children up to the age of twelve. Shonishin offers a viable alternative to pharmaceuticals in the treatment of childhood health problems–everything from behavioral and emotional to many physical conditions. Shonishin is administered quickly, usually within 15-20 minutes, and is typically performed with the child clothed or just wearing a diaper. The technique is most effective when given several times per week until the symptoms are alleviated. €50
Lymphatic massages (90 min) It is a detoxifying Hawaiian massage that works by cleansing and stimulating the lymphatic system and clearing the meridian lines in the body through vibration techniques. Ancient Hawaiian Healing Massage that brings the body into balance, by harmonising the heart, body, mind, and spirit. It is restorative and works gently, yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes and vibrations. The long, constant rhythmic strokes are designed to help the body let go of its old patterns and behaviours, which can cause as many stresses and strains as muscle tension. €130
First acupuncture consultation with treatment (60 min)
The first initial Acupuncture is more heavy on questioning and getting all the information. It might take anywhere from 40min to 1 hour as I need to get to know you and find out what it is you want to accomplish or what you need help with.
Follow up acupuncture treatments (45 min)
Follow up appointments are a little quicker as I already have the relevant information from your first intake session. I will still catch up briefly and make sure everything is ok and see how you’ve been going since the intake.
Follow up acupuncture treatments (60 min)
Follow up appointments are a little quicker as I already have the relevant information from your first intake session. I will still catch up briefly and make sure everything is ok and see how you’ve been going since the intake.
Infertility and women's health (75 min)
Acupuncture is an effective option for women seeking alternative or complementary therapy to remedy women’s health problems such as: · Irregular, short, or long cycles · Light, heavy or painful periods · Endometriosis, PCOS, and myomas · PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramping, fluid retention, irritability, mood swings, headaches and migraines, breast tenderness, and back pain. Acupuncture has long been used for pregnancy support, fertility, menopause and a wide range of women’s health issues. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a long and rich history of strategies for the strengthening and regulation the reproductive system in both women and men.
Cosmetic facial acupuncture - in & out facial(30 min)
Facial Acupuncture helps boost the collagen and elastin in the facial tissues as well as the skin. Ultra-fine acupuncture needles are placed through areas of the face that need a boost of collagen and elastin causing “microtrauma”, signalling the body’s healing cells to start a process of collagen and elastin production to repair the area. This may result in softening of lines and firming of the face by adding back density to an area that has had a loss of volume.
Cosmetic facial acupuncture - generic facial (75 min)
Facial Acupuncture helps boost the collagen and elastin in the facial tissues as well as the skin. Ultra-fine acupuncture needles are placed through areas of the face that need a boost of collagen and elastin causing “microtrauma”, signalling the body’s healing cells to start a process of collagen and elastin production to repair the area. This may result in softening of lines and firming of the face by adding back density to an area that has had a loss of volume.
Shonishin: Pediatric acupuncture (30 min)
Pediatric Acupuncture technique was developed specifically for infants and children up to the age of twelve. Shonishin offers a viable alternative to pharmaceuticals in the treatment of childhood health problems–everything from behavioral and emotional to many physical conditions. Shonishin is administered quickly, usually within 15-20 minutes, and is typically performed with the child clothed or just wearing a diaper. The technique is most effective when given several times per week until the symptoms are alleviated.
Lymphatic massages (90 min)
It is a detoxifying Hawaiian massage that works by cleansing and stimulating the lymphatic system and clearing the meridian lines in the body through vibration techniques. Ancient Hawaiian Healing Massage that brings the body into balance, by harmonising the heart, body, mind, and spirit. It is restorative and works gently, yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes and vibrations. The long, constant rhythmic strokes are designed to help the body let go of its old patterns and behaviours, which can cause as many stresses and strains as muscle tension.


Acupunctuur in Hilversum – Voor een gezonder en ontspannen leven 😊

Ben je op zoek naar een ervaren acupuncturist in Hilversum? Wil je op een natuurlijke manier van pijn, stress of andere klachten afkomen? Acupunctuur helpt om je lichaam en geest weer in balans te brengen, zodat je je energieker en gezonder voelt.


Acupunctuur – Meer balans en minder klachten

Acupunctuur is een eeuwenoude Chinese behandelmethode waarbij dunne naaldjes op specifieke punten in het lichaam worden geplaatst. Dit helpt de energiestroom, ook wel ‘Qi’ genoemd, weer op gang te brengen. Zie het als een wegennet: als er ergens een opstopping is, kunnen er problemen ontstaan. Acupunctuur helpt die blokkades op te lossen, zodat alles weer soepel stroomt.


Engelstalige acupuncturist in Hilversum 🇬🇧

Het is belangrijk om je op je gemak te voelen tijdens een behandeling. Daarom is de behandeling ook beschikbaar in het Engels. Zo kun je in de taal waarin jij je het meest comfortabel voelt je klachten en wensen bespreken.


Welke behandelingen zijn mogelijk?

Elke behandeling wordt afgestemd op jouw persoonlijke situatie. Enkele mogelijkheden:

Acupunctuur: Vermindert pijn, stress en andere klachten.
Cosmetische acupunctuur: Een natuurlijke manier om de huid te verbeteren, zonder ingrijpende behandelingen. Vergelijk het met een ‘innerlijke’ schoonheidsbehandeling die van binnenuit werkt.
Massages en acupressuur: Ontspannende technieken om de energiestromen in het lichaam te harmoniseren. Net zoals een muziekinstrument dat gestemd moet worden, zorgt deze behandeling ervoor dat jouw lichaam weer ‘in tune’ is.
Shonishin Japanse kinderacupunctuur: Een zachte behandelmethode voor kinderen, waarbij meestal geen naalden worden gebruikt. Denk aan een subtiele manier om het lichaam te ondersteunen, zoals een zachte streling die het energieniveau herstelt.


Voor welke klachten helpt acupunctuur?

Acupunctuur wordt ingezet bij veel verschillende klachten, zoals:

  • Pijnklachten (rug, nek, hoofdpijn, gewrichten)
  • Spijsverteringsproblemen
  • Slaapproblemen
  • Stress en burn-out
  • Vermoeidheid en lage energie
  • Hormonale klachten en menstruatieproblemen
  • Zwangerschapskwaaltjes
  • Allergieën en hooikoorts

Benieuwd wat acupunctuur voor jou kan betekenen? Neem gerust contact op voor meer informatie of een afspraak. Er wordt samen gekeken naar de beste behandeling die past bij jouw situatie! 😊